Here is a list of some issues we can help with a 90 min 1:1 NLP sessions to help you tremendously on a subconscious level to make massive shifts.
Release Money Blocks and Tap into feeling Abundant + Attracting Money
We will identify your limiting money beliefs
We will use Anchoring technique to anchor the feelings of Abundance so you can access the states anytime
EFT Tapping to release lack energy and tap in abundance energy
Hypnosis session to rewire your subconscious brain for a millionaire mindset..
Social media detox/Nail biting/ Food Addiction/ Wine addiction
Find out what are the triggers to constantly checking phone/nail biting/food binge eating /wine addiction
Find out how you would like to spend time instead and create schedule
Mapping Across technique
Swish patterns to release constantly checking phone/nail biting/food binge eating/wine addiction
EFT to use on ongoing basis
Hypnosis session to create deeper subconscious transformation
Attracting a Partner 90 min NLP session:
We will gain clarity on who your partner would be
Getting clear on what’s holding you back from attracting that person
EFT tapping to release the negative emotions
Single belief change technique to change your subconscious belief to believe you are truly lovable and attractive.
Anchoring technique to increase confidence
Time Techniques to release negative beliefs around relationships
Weight Loss + Fitness
We will discuss your goals.
Mapping across to get rid of your addiction to any food
Swish pattern to release too much snacking
Weight loss hypnosis session
Helping you identify and resolve strong Internal conflict which is keeping you stuck
Have you ever had an internal conflict, where part of you wants to do one thing and the other part wants to do something else?
For example, Have you had this inner conflict where part of you wants to start your own business and have the freedom of work hours and flexibility, but part of you feels scared and as you want the security of a Job and income.
For moms who feel this conflict where part of them wants to work and have the financial freedom but part of them feels guilty of having to leave their child at daycare.
Many of us go through our life feeling this internal conflict and with no tool on how to overcome this . Imagine if you had a magic wand and you could get rid of this internal conflict once and for all so that you can live your life on your terms without any conflict, fear or guilt and with absolute peace, joy, freedom and abundance.